Department of Education Watch List


Patrick Campbell

Department of Education
Senior Advisor – Federal Student Aid – Department of Education.

Patrick Campbell's

Partisan Political Activities

Serial Donations to Liberal/Far - left candidates, including:

·      Sam Jammal for Congress - $50 – 7/17/2017.

·      Biden for President – 2 donations totaling $750 in the 2020 cycle.

·      Harris for President – 3 donations totaling $3000 in 2024 cycle.

·      Montanans for Tester - $125 – 8/31/2024.


As OpenSecrets notes, "Only a tiny fraction of Americans actually give campaign contributions to political candidates, parties or PACs. Just 0.97% of the United States population contributed more than two hundred dollars to federal candidates, PACs, parties and outside groups [last cycle]"  This is the reason campaign contributions are such an instructive tool in analyzing civil servants, because only the most avid partisans - less than one percent - write a check to a candidate.

(Source) (Source

Patrick Campbell's

Notable Financial Relationships

Patrick Campbell's

Notable Prior Employment History

U.S. Department of Education – 2019 – Present.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – 2012 - 2019.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs -- 2013 – 2014.

         Note: Concurrent with CFPB.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America – 2006 - 2011

Army National Guard – Combat Medic – January 2003 – January 2009


Made Social Media Postings in Support of Left-wing Causes

Mr. Campbell has a long history of support for left-wing causes and candidates.  The subjects for which Mr. Campbell has advocated include advocacy for student loan bailouts, COVID vaccinations, opposition to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, and support for left-wing comedians.


Student loan bailouts:

Anti-Romney advocacy:

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Mitt Romney supported abolishing taxpayer subsidies for public broadcasting. During a debate with then-president Obama, Romney made a comment that “I love Big Bird.”  This led to an online backlash among left-leaning accounts on social media, which included the following comment from Mr. Campbell:

Colbert for U.S. Senate:

During the 2010 midterm cycle, there was a brief online upsurge in favor of a U.S. Senate candidacy for far-left ‘comedian’ Stephen Colbert.  Mr. Campbell expressed support for this initiative.